Selamat datang ke Laman TTLS-LPPS FLORES, sebuah laman kecil untuk berbagi cerita, info dan kerinduan kami bersama orang-orang muda yang ingin mengembangkan Karya Tani sebagai suatu wirausaha yang menghargai karya pertanian sebagai karya yang bermartabat luhur.
Taman Tani Lestari Sesawi - LPPS FLORES adalah sebuah langkah sederhana di tengah kompleksnya bidang pertanian, yang adalah ibu yang melahirkan kehidupan. Kami tak bermaksud mengubah dunia pertanian, tetapi mengajak sahabat-sahabat untuk lebih mencintainya, mendukungnya dan kalau boleh membantu orang-orang muda tani di Flores untuk mengembangkan wira usaha di bidang yang satu ini.
Karena itu bersama Taman Tani Lestari "Sesawi" - LPPS Flores, kami mengajak sahabat-sahabat kami untuk berbagi, agar "Sesawi" tumbuhan kecil ini sungguh bertumbuh menjadi "pohon kehidupan", di mana banyak orang boleh bernaung, membuat 'sarang' dan mengalami hidup secara berlimpah.
Mari bergabung bersama kami, untuk bersama-sama menuju masa depan yang lebih cerah lewat pendidikan dan pelatihan ketrampilan manusia muda.

Mataloko, 22 Juli 2011
P. Anselm. Meo SVD



This training program and its center has been undertaken by the alumni of Organic Farming Training Program in Jawa based on the careful observation about the method of agricultural activities in the region. From our experience we witness that most of the farmers here are poor and they have  a very limited area for their farming activities. Although some part of the land are still fertile, but the local farmers have been running their farming activities in traditional way, and as a result the production of their agricultural activities is very small. The agricultural production cannot support their daily life and these ordinary people can not afford the education of their children. The same situation is faced by the young farmers here.

In the other side, there are so many partners offered us opportunity for the young people to improve their way of farming. Since 2010, LPPS FLORES has responded to this opportunity and we have been working together with The Learning Farm of Karang Widya Cianjur in Jawa to train the youth. There have been 8 young people who completed their courses in Java and now working in Flores and Timor in the East Nusa Tenggara Province. Through this expanding program, we make serious effort to expand the system of organic agriculture and long-lasting, which utilizes the natural fertilizers and has its aim first of all to increase the agricultural product, as well as  animal husbandry products.

The fact that there are young people have been reccomended by partners to take part in this training program is a sign that this program is useful for people in the region and can be a real help for these young people to be good farmers in Flores. They can make it works for them. 

 Aims of the Training Program

This training program has some goals as follows:

  • To empower and to prepare young farmers in Flores who commit themselves to organic and sustainable agriculture activities with a series of basic training skill program in various sub system of organic farming activities, such as: (a) running the animal husbandry (especially piggery), (b) running the chicken poultry, (c) running the fishpond activities, (d) running the organic vegetables, rice and mais, (e) processing and preparing good quality of food (for breeding the piggs, chickens and catfish), (f) processing and producing the organic fertilizer and natural pesticide, and last but not least (g) producing the instant healthy drink made of ginger plant from our garden. In short all of this will support the running cost of the training skill program in the future. 
  • To prepare the participants of this basic training with support of others to continue their training program in advance level at The Learning Farm of Karang Widya Foundation, Cianjur, West Jawa and the Permakultur in Bali. Since 2010, TTLS-LPPS FLORES has been offered opportunities to take part a four months course, with the sponsorship of World Education Indonesia at TLF-YKW.
  • To create a network of support to the alumni of this training program wherever they work. With the help of donors, we want to support these young farmers, giving funds in terms of piggs, ducks, catfish and some equipments, so that they can start their organic farming activities in their villages with a spirit of enterpreneurship.
Expected Result of this Program

From our own experience as staff here, we can guarantee that after the completion of the training, these young people will have the capabilities and the capacities in organic farming. We notice that there is a shift in their mindset about farming, and they have the spirit of enterpreneurship. 

With this, they can earn a better life, and their family too can have the chance to improve their quality of life, quality of education and what is more we will have a good network of young farmers who have the full responsibility to produce healthy food for their family and for the people in the society (in term of food security approach).

Together with partners who opt for the organic food, we can provide good quality of organic product for the local and regional markets. The Swisscontact has already assured us about their willingness of selling organic products from our young farmers for the hospital industry, the hotels and restaurants, as part of the government policy to make known Flores as a tourist destination.

Our Mission :

Together with partners and benefactors, we provide opportunities for the young farmers to commit themselves for organic and sustainable agriculture activities. This strategy is achieved through series of training skill and non formal education in organic farming.

It is our aim that together these young people, we want to address all people to "care for the earth, care of agriculture activities and care for life"

We trully believe that the farmers, whoever they are and agriculture are mother of life.

1 comment:

  1. Food security for both the present and future generations depends on environmental preservation. GREEN is cognizant of this and values environmental preservation through sustainable organic farming practices. The three essential elements of the connection between agriculture and ecology—seed, soil, and water—are given priority in our activities.
